ICCF BUILDING WITHSTANDS REAL SIZE EARTH QUAKE TESTING An intensive test program has been conducted by the China Academy of Building Research in Beijing, Peoples Republic of China. Various I.C.F. / I.C.C.F. wall assemblies have been tested under dynamic loads to qualify for multistory buildings in tremor areas.
After numerous verification tests and finite ele-ment modeling of a real size test set up, a 3 story house with a total height of 8.68m (28-6ft) and a projected area of 8mx5m (27ftx16.5ft) has been erected in the test hall of the Institute and hundreds of probes have been connected to 3 computer systems. The building has been loaded in each floor and on top with an additional total weight of 128 tons (281,600 lbs) to simulate the weight - and inertia - of 3 more stories inclusive live loads.
Verification tests have shown that the I.C.C.F. adds strength and ductility to the concrete structure. The test structure has been tested to an equivalent of number 8 earthquakes without any measurable or visual damage. In fact, the test has been continued far beyond this strength.
The results confirmed that I.C.C.F. Block can be used for 6 story buildings and withstand earthquakes of a magnitude 8+.
The design of the concrete grid structure developed and improved over 30 years, once more proved its strength.
We thank the engineers of the China Academy and the staff of our Beijing office for their outstanding work and efforts!