"Quality Installation By Trained and Licensed Installers"
In 1968 the term "ICF" (Insulated Concrete Form) was not in existence. That was the year when a group of engineers were thinking to design a building system, which would offer simplicity in use, quality, strength, and be available at an affordable cost. Initially, large panels of polystyrene were used as raw material with diagonal and vertical holes cut out and filled with concrete once the panels were set in place.
Thus 1968 presumably was the birth of one of the first ICF built homes.
It was a beginning - but the disadvantages of using polystyrene as the wall surface and base to apply plaster were obvious. Consequently, new ideas were looked for and found, not only for better materials but also for enhanced shapes and sizes. At that time BASF, a German based company, was experimenting with a mixture of polystyrene beads and cement, however, an economic use for this material could not be found. Eventually this idea was picked up, adapted and a similar mix was used for new building elements. In 1972 the basic I.C.F. element was leaving a barn type operation in the mountains of Austria to become part of the first I.C.F. home.
Years of further development, testing, engineering, designing, expanding applications, and industrialization of the production process followed to achieve the state of the art product which are the GRAY BLOCK I.C.C.F. SYSTEMS OF TODAY! manufactured by ECO BUILDING SYSTEMS
We like to group all ICF systems in 2 catagories for the consumer. There are White Block Systems (ICF) and Gray Block ICCF Systems. It is our professional opinion that the Gray Block ICCFSystems are easier to work with and are superior to the white block ICF systems.
Insulated Concrete Forms
What is I.C.F. / I.C.C.F.